"Popcorn" is the nickname we gave to our incredibly active son. If you spent 2 minutes with him, you will easily understand the meaning of the nickname. The Chinese Noodle is the affectionate nickname we chose for our hoped for Daughter-to-Be, who may one day come to us in the LORD's perfect time from China.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Delizioso... Grazioso!

Our Garden has EXPLODED with fabulous vegetables this week. 
 I love having time to experiment and creat new flavorful dishes
with what is growing outside my kitchen door. 
Garlic is one of God's most powerful health-boosters, I add it to many of my creations.

Today I had an abundance of Kale, which is a member of the Cabbage family. It has a bitter flavor when permitted to grow this large. 
All of the chopped veggies are tossed into the pre-warmed, pre-olive oiled Black Skillet

After wilting the Kale, I cooked it a bit longer, then added leftover chicken-rice from last night's dinner.

It was just me for lunch today, since Popcorn was at a friend's for a play date until 1:00.
I love setting a pretty table, though, even if it is only for me!

1 comment:

  1. I love living in PA, but I am dreaming of the day when my garden will be prolific like it was after years of soil ammendments and working the land in my old country.
