"Popcorn" is the nickname we gave to our incredibly active son. If you spent 2 minutes with him, you will easily understand the meaning of the nickname. The Chinese Noodle is the affectionate nickname we chose for our hoped for Daughter-to-Be, who may one day come to us in the LORD's perfect time from China.

Monday, July 19, 2010

As the family goes, so goes the nation." --Ronald Reagan

We Call this the SS Minnow...
Mike inherited it when his brother died from cancer in 2002.

Our family believes in spending a great deal of time together, not just "quality
Time," but Quantities of time. 

The Minnow has hosted many fine quality family adventures since coming to us.
Here are photos of one such adventure
which took place this past month.


Exploring the Beach/ Sand Bar

Back at the Boat loading area...

We always love to go... but it is also great to come home!  Popcorn is learning many life skills in all of this adventuring.  Mike is teaching him so much about the River, nature, fishing, surviving off the land, patience, etc.  I am grateful to the Lord that we have such a lovely place to spend our weekends. 

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