"But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: Let them ever shout for joy, because Thou defendest them." - Psalm 5:11
"Popcorn" is the nickname we gave to our incredibly active son. If you spent 2 minutes with him, you will easily understand the meaning of the nickname. The Chinese Noodle is the affectionate nickname we chose for our hoped for Daughter-to-Be, who may one day come to us in the LORD's perfect time from China.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
More fun in the snow!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Continue On
By Roy Lessin
She feared she was wasting her potential being a devoted wife and mother.
She wondered if the time and energy she invested in her husband and children would make a difference. At times she became discouraged because so much of what she did seemed to go unnoticed and unappreciated.
“’Is it worth it?’ she often wondered. ‘Is there something better that I could be doing with my time?’
It was during one of these moments of questioning that she heard the still, small voice of her Heavenly Father speak to her heart.
‘You are a wife and mother because that is what I have called you to be. Much of what you do is hidden from the public eye. But I notice. Most of what you give is done without remuneration. But I am your Reward.
Your husband cannot be the man I have called him to be without your support. Your influence upon him is greater than you think, and more powerful than you will ever know. I Bless him through your service, and honor him through your love. Your children are Precious to Me. What you invest in them is an Offering to Me. You may never be in the public spotlight, but your Obedience shines as a bright light before Me. Continue On. Remember, you are My servant.
Do all to please Me.”
Fellow Mothers, I speak to myself as well as to you… being a godly mother is the hardest job any woman will ever have. Stay focused… Keep the Faith…Continue on…
Our Prayer
Heavenly Father- May we only seek to please YOU.
Monday, February 21, 2011
The Victory
“For whatever is born of God overcomes the world,
and this is the Victory that has overcome the world---
our Faith.”---------------- I John 5:4
I am watching our world’s moral conscience decay, and am saddened by what I see. Since we do not have television in our home, Mike & I listen to the Radio quite a bit. It would seem that there are no longer moral absolutes in this great Country. Sins are deemed neutral acts, and ”civil rights.”
I am so glad that the LORD has promised us the power to overcome. The enticements of this world – riches, promiscuity, gossip, alcohol, drugs, abortion, etc. – completely turn me off. For our childrens’ sake, we must speak out and identify sin as sin, no matter how ‘beautiful’ its wrappings. The enemy will continue to try to deceive our children and others by his lies, but the Word of God is alive and sharp. The standard of the LORD will helps us to overcome the world. ...................................................Are you an Overcomer?
Dear Father God,
Thank you for sending Your only Son to die for me. Thank you for giving me the power to be an overcomer of the sin in this world. May I keep my eyes always focused on You so that I will recognize sin, no matter how appealing. Help me to teach my child to be an overcomer, too.
In Jesus Name,
Sunday, February 20, 2011
“He who dwells in the shelter of the MOST HIGH GOD
will abide in the shadow of the ALMIGHTY.”
--Psalm 91:1
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Blaine at 10 weeks old |
Of all the important lessons I teach my son, one is Paramount: GOD is our Ultimate Security! If I instruct Blaine that his security lies in GOD alone, I believe he will eventually be self-confident, self-sufficient, and yet, self-less. In my experience, when I depend upon GOD as my Source for ALL things, I learn to reap security in who GOD is, rather than in who I am, and what I accomplish. As Blaine’s character and accomplishments change, GOD’S character is unchanging. We can all depend on His Constancy. When hard times befall our family, we can be secure in the knowledge of who GOD is, and His care for us!
Not that this is an easy lesson, and I certainly have not done it perfectly. Spend ten minutes in our home and you will see that, clearly! Recently I was significantly “down-sized” at work. I worked very little (16 hours per week) as it was, but the powers that be have determined that I earn too high a wage to be paid to do my own copying work and such for my classes. (I teach Lamaze and various other Prepared childbirth/preparing for motherhood/siblinghood classes at the local hospital). No one asked our opinion about how our family budget would handle such a cut in income. And so, we eat beans, rice, and soup frequently for dinner. After the dreaded downsizing meeting when I was informed, and for about 4 hours, I did Panic. But I kept reassuring myself that my security is in the LORD. And so I prayed, and Prayed, and Prayed. By the time Mike returned home from work, I was calm and able to see the positive side of the situation… 1) I will be home more at night now (evenings), 2) I will be able to get 7-8 hours of sleep every night, 3) We just recently became debt-free except for our Mortgage, 4) I can finally go through the entire house and organize everything, preparing for the next phase of our lives… 4) The process of becoming debt-free has taught us how to live well while “doing without” many things, like Television and Internet at home, etc. The list goes on and on.
In all of this, I have determined that I will teach my son in his early years that CHRIST created him special and unique. He is more precious than the fine gold to his Creator, and to me! I pledge to reinforce this value often! I pray that he will develop an inner peace and security that brings stability and steadfastness. No matter what his peer group says, or what tragedy swarms him, I pray that he will be able to say “NO” when he knows that GOD loves, accepts, and promises to provide for him.
My prayer for today:
Most Precious Creator,
I ask that YOU will help me to instill
a True sense of security in Blaine.
May I instruct him to depend solely on YOU
in all things,
and to dwell in Your Shelter at all times.
In Jesus Name, Amen
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Wasted Affection?
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tip Talk: Save Money by Making Your own Laundry Detergent
Even our seven year old can make laundry detergent with a bit of assistance.
It saves SO much money, this batch cost us 71 cents and filled up 3 regular-sized
liquid Laundry bottles (at 64 loads each).
Follow these easy instructions:

Fels Naptha soap: 1/3 of a bar
2 Cups of water, boiling
1/2 cup Washing Soda
1/2 cup borax
6 cups water
1 tsp essential oil
Begin by putting a big pot with 2 cups of water in it on the stove
to heat to boiling while grating soap (saves time).
Grate Fels Naptha soap: 1/3 of a bar
(I buy my Bars at True Value Hardware Store.
I usually buy 3 at a time and they last me for about 4 to 5 months of Laundering).
We use the Metal Shredder/Grater that one would use to shred cabbage.
Just be sure to wash it well for next use (if using for food prep).
Pour the shredded soap into the water pot.
Boil the shredded soap until it is completely dissolved.
Stir frequently to speed up the dissolving process.
You will need "Washing Soda", and 20 Mule Team Borax.
I purchased the Washing Soda at True Value
The Mule Team Borax is readily available at Walmart.
1/2 cup of Washing Soda
Mix well, then add 1/2 cup of Borax
See how easy it is?
Now add the water...
6 more cups
Keep stirring
The solution will get bubbly and smell really clean!
Now add - more water... 2 cups
next add 1 tsp. Essential oil- any fragrance you like
This is optional, but I love to add essential oil to the mixture.
I like "Orange oil" best, but this day we were out, so
we added Linen Essential oil (Purchased from the candle department at Walmart)
That's it... Now remove from stove and let it "gel" (haarden) a bit for 24 hours
before you pour it into used empty Laundry container bottles.
I Smile and Thank God the Father everytime I
wash a load, knowing that it costs me less than 2 cents per load!
And I love the way my clothes and towels smell!
My Heart Belongs to ...
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Mrs. Mote gives such great hugs! |
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Blaine's Table in First Grade. Delaney, Joshua, and Jon Caleb are his very best friends. |
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Making the tissue flower craft |
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Mrs. Adams, the Second Grade Teacher, surprized us by coming in with cake on her face to give Mrs. Mote a Birthday Kiss. (Mrs. Mote's B-day is Feb. 14th) |
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Mike helps with the Craft |
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I loved this snap... taken one second after the Teacher told the kids they could look in their Valentine's Bags! The enthusiasm is contagious! |
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Valentine's Treats
These cupcakes were easy and fun to make, but the best part was
that they cost only .40 cents!
Most of the stuff was leftover from Christmas,
and some I found in my Valentine's Storage Box.
Praise the Lord!
He is so Faithful!
Rocket Valentine's for the First Grade Class
Blaine made these Rocket Valentine's that say, "You're a Blast!"
(Notice the big gap in his front teeth area- another baby tooth gone)
Blaine is EXCITED about the Party at school tomorrow!
I hope he can sleep tonight!
Valentine's Greetings from Bluberry Cottage

Cupid's Arrow Valentine's Day Card
Modern greeting cards and party invitations by Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Isn't this what you're craving about now? (A nice big Home-made Latte)
First, Warm the milk in a cup in the microwave for 1 minute
Next, Cover the milk with Redi Whip
Sprinkle liberally with Yellow Sugar Crystals
Next, add some Blue Sugar Crystals
I like to add Chocolate sprinkles at the end for some extra flavor.
Now taste your creation...
I know what some readers are thinking...
"That's a lot of sugar".
I agree.
But we only live once!
And the joy we received from this little project was
worth all of the Hyper-ness that followed.
I rest my case.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Celebrating Abraham Lincoln's B-day (Mike is Abe!!)
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