Friday is typically "Family Night" at Blueberry Cottage.
We love to do special things with "Daddy" when he comes home from work.
We usually devote some of our afternoon to the preparations for this special Event.
Today the preps were easy: Clean up the yard,
make picnic sandwiches and goodies
for a Backyard Picnic.

Popcorn invents all kinds of Sea Creatures in our backyard pool (a Gift from Pop Pop & Grandma-Ma'm-Maw Blaine).
Today he took one of Mike's T-Shirts and
invented a "Turtle-Boy" Sea Creature.
I haven't laughed so hard in days!
What a jokester. Wish I could have captured all of his silly faces and
antics on camera for this blog entry!
Descending Turtle-Boy...
Love that Face!
Daddy's Finally Home!