"Popcorn" is the nickname we gave to our incredibly active son. If you spent 2 minutes with him, you will easily understand the meaning of the nickname. The Chinese Noodle is the affectionate nickname we chose for our hoped for Daughter-to-Be, who may one day come to us in the LORD's perfect time from China.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Isn't this what you're craving about now? (A nice big Home-made Latte)

How to Make a Delicious Hot Sprinkle Latte   by Popcorn Himself         
First, Warm the milk in a cup in the microwave for 1 minute

Next, Cover the milk with Redi Whip

Sprinkle liberally with Yellow Sugar Crystals
Next, add some Blue Sugar Crystals
I like to add Chocolate sprinkles at the end  for some extra flavor.
Now taste your creation...
I know what some readers are thinking...
"That's a lot of sugar". 
I agree.
But we only live once!
And the joy we received from this little project was
worth all of the Hyper-ness that followed.
I rest my case.

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